Belfast’s Workhouse Burial Ground makes the News
This week I spoke to BBC News reporter Mark Simpson about my research into the almost-forgotten workhouse burial ground on Donegall Road. This site is the final resting place of tens of thousands of Belfast’s poor, who died between 1849 and the early 1920s.
This video is what went out on BBC news this week, and Mark’s team were kind enough to provide me with the high definition video below.
I’ve been campaigning to get the site recognised and properly marked, all that’s left on the ground are two short sections of the original boundary wall of the graveyard. Many people living in the houses built on top of the graveyard don’t know it’s there, or have only heard rumours.
If you live in the area please get in touch, I’d love to hear your (or your parents’ or grandparents’) stories about the graveyard!